John Johnson
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Hello there and welcome,


If you have come to this site, you are most likely interested in music or worship in your local church or small group gathering. You might have been asked to lead worship in your church and you are willing, even eager to fulfill your calling. Yet, there is so much you don’t know, from technical issues, to working together with others, to negotiating the waters of church leadership. Perhaps you don’t even know what questions to ask, let alone the answers to those questions.

We want you to go from uncertainty, through learning important skills, to confidence, from worried and afraid to clarity of vision, from anxious and disconnected to feeling secure and connected with others who have learned and are learning in this process. We want you to become the best you possibly can in this journey of worship.


“When anything or anyone God has created functions according to His design and purpose, it becomes praise to God.”

- John


With all that said, you might be perfectly confident in your skills for this calling, but you had no idea what demand would be made upon you spiritually. Our desire is for you to grow in your own relationship with God, to find encouragement and inspiration, knowledge and resources to help you along your way. We offer, not just the nuts and bolts of worship and worship leading, but the opportunity to develop your own, very vital spiritual growth.


Much love,

Dr. J


Grow the heart and position of your ministry, all without leaving your church.

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THE Grace to Praise (14 INEXHAUSTABLE wells of praise)

This workshop is designed not only for worship leaders and pastors, but for the congregation of worshippers in every church. These teachings on the 14 wells of praise will equip the entire congregation and worship teams for their ministry of praise to the Lord. 

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Developing a habit of worship is crucial, especially for those in leadership roles. These teachings instruct and equip every worship leader with the necessary disciplines that need to be cultivated and practiced to maintain effectiveness in worship leadership before the Lord and His people.

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The essentials of Worship

Based on the wealth of wisdom found in John 4, this workshop is designed to inform and equip all worshipers in their ministry to the Lord. These 14 teachings will transform the way you view and participate in worship.


For Booking and Inquiries, CONNECT WITH JOHN HERE.